

What is part-time employment?  Part-time employment refers to jobs that permit employees to work less than forty hours per week.  Part-time employees usually work a maximum of 35 hours per week and a minimum of 4 hours per week. This information about part-time employment is basic and well-known, but I have firsthand experience on what part-time employment actually entails.   

I worked at a restaurant for three years and in retail for six years.  These part-time jobs allowed me to work through high school and college, while still allowing me time to focus on school.  Part-time work is great for students, but what about those employees supporting a family?   

Before you make the decision to love or hate part-time employment, first learn the facts.   

Here is the 411 on part-time employment: 

Types of Employment: There are several different positions that offer part-time employment. The greatest number of part-time jobs is in retail, restaurants, clerical, call centers, etc. Temp agencies also help employees to find part-time work. These jobs also have full-time positions, but they are mostly for managers, assistant managers, and the few employees who can work full-time.  
Hours: Part-time employment offers an array of hours for someone to work, which can fit well when someone has a complicated schedule - such as college students or parents. Part-time hours are usually less than eight hours per day, but you could be working until ten o'clock or later in the evening. If you want the "normal" 9-5, Monday - Friday schedule, then part-time work is probably not for you.  
Benefits: Medical benefits and healthcare are big problems today and many people are looking for jobs that offer these benefits. There are some companies that offer their employees part-time benefits, but they don't compare to the coverage of full-time benefits. Also, part-time jobs do not offer financial incentives or retirement plans. 
Pay: Part-time jobs pay hourly, compared to a set annual salary. Most part-time jobs offer minimum wage, with a pay increase yearly after a performance review. Minimum wage is different for each state, so make sure to do your research. There are some part-time jobs that pay much more than minimum wage, so don't always assume the worst.  
Job Security: Job security worries many people and though full-time jobs may offer more security, there is no guarantee with any position. The best advice I can give is to work hard and be a good employee, which can help you during a possible downsizing event. 
There are many pros and cons to working part-time.  It's not an ideal situation for most, but for some people it's the only way to go.  The bullets above are the basic facts to consider for part-time work, and knowing the facts is the best way to weigh your options.   

If you're having a hard time finding full-time work, consider working part-time until you find what you're looking for.  Working while you're looking will give you experience and the drive to keep working.  And, if you're a student or just someone looking to kill some time, part-time work may be ideal for you.  

Have you worked part-time?  Do you prefer part-time or full-time work?  Please, share with us your all of your opinions and ideas.